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100+ Andrew Tate Inspirational Quotes: Escaping The Matrix!

Andrew Tate is a renowned professional kickboxer, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker who has inspired countless individuals through his powerful words of wisdom. 

He has faced numerous challenges and setbacks in his journey to success. But his unwavering determination and resilience have propelled him to heights. 

Andrew Tate’s inspirational quotes serve as a guiding light for those who seek motivation and guidance in their own lives. 

His words resonate deeply with individuals from all walks of life as he shares valuable insights on personal growth, success, and mindset. 

Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or simply need a boost of motivation, Andrew Tate’s inspirational quotes will surely leave a lasting impact on your journey towards achieving greatness. 

Andrew Tate’s Inspirational Quotes About Money and Success

1.”Close your eyes. Focus on making yourself feel excited and powerful. Imagine yourself destroying goals with ease.”

Andrew Tate_s Inspirational Quotes About Money and Success 1

2.“You can become rich, you can become strong, you can take care of your loved ones and enjoy the fact it will be very difficult.”

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3.”You are exactly where you deserve to be. Change who you are, and you will change how you live.”

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4.“I know more about making money than anyone else in the world. Most people’s views on money are outdated. If you want to get rich in today’s attention-based economy, then you need to learn modern methods of wealth creation.”

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5.“Freedom will only come when you no longer trade your time for money.”

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6.“Cost is the enemy of the poor man, so the poor try to save money. Time is the enemy of the rich man, so the rich try to save time.”

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7.”Find a person who is as successful as you’d like to be, ask them what to do, do it, and work hard.”

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8.”You have to look at your business ideas and your plans and find a way to remove your need for money to attempt the plan.”

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9.The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is the willingness to do what others won’t.

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10.Surround yourself with winners. Success breeds success.

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11.Money will fix all your problems. If money was so bad and did not bring happiness, all the billionaires would be giving it away. Wake up.

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12.“A man without a vision for his future always returns to his past.”

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13.”If you’re surrounded by people who have a plan to get rich, and you provide value to them, sooner or later, you’re going to begin to make money.”

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14.“Stress tolerance is the best indicator of a person’s likelihood of success.”

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15.”A business is money in and nothing else. It’s not money out, it’s not your account, it’s not your logo, it’s not your website, a business is money into a bank.”

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16.“You must put in the effort to get the life you want.”

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17.“Absolutely every single one of my actions is intentional. Divine purpose. If your day is full of mindless action, you act without thought.”

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18.“The amount of stress you can tolerate while remaining effective is directly correlated to the level of success you will enjoy.”

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19.Discipline is the key to success. Absolutely is. If you cannot force yourself to do something that you do not want to do, how are you ever gonna put yourself through the suffering required for greatness?

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20.”Do the impossible, and you’ll never doubt yourself ever again.”

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21.They want to get rich, but they have no plan to get rich! And a hope and a plan are two different things.

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22.If you truly wanted money, you wouldn’t be able to sleep until you had it.

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23.The only person responsible for your success or failure is you.

24.“My biggest victories in life were when I was sad.”

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25.“You could be worth 100 million dollars, and go into the war room, and go into a specific room, and the fact that you’re worth 100 million dollars will no longer matter. If you’re sending a girl flowers, and she’s going on a girl’s
trip, then you will get shut down.”

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Feeling motivated already? Check out these Short Inspirational Poems.

Andrew Tate Inspirational Quotes About Hardworking

1.“The temporary satisfaction of quitting is outweighed by the eternal suffering of being nobody.”

Andrew Tate Inspirational Quotes About Hardworking 1

2.You have unlimited work to do today. Every second you waste is an admittance that you don’t actually want it badly enough.

Andrew Tate Inspirational Quotes About Hardworking 2

3.“Aspire to be a superhero. Not a normal person with a bigger house and nicer car.”

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4.You are never going to have any of the things you want if you do not get them yourself. Nobody cares about you enough to do it for you.

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5.Money is always moving. If you get in the right place at the right time, then you’re going to get some!

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6.Suffer because you’re weak or suffer to become strong, but there’s no avoiding the suffering.

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7.“Searching for my favorite feeling has built me an exceptional life.”

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8.If you’re not willing to work hard, then you don’t deserve to be successful.

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9.People don’t get jealous of losers.

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10.A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. You’ve gotta do something, and you’ve gotta do something fast. You just sitting around talking about it and hoping for things to get better isn’t going to do anything.

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11.The Matrix blinds you from the truth: that you are a slave. They’ve stolen your consciousness. You are depressed, anxious, and afraid.

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12.It is your duty to challenge yourself and craft your own world.

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13.Make your last name mean something. Only a coward doesn’t care about their bloodline.

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14.You’re going to have to work when you don’t feel like working. That’s how it’s going to have to be, or you’re never going to be anything.

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15.‘‘You’re going to have to work when you don’t feel like working. That’s how it’s going to have to be, or you’re never going to be anything.”

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16.”Arrogance breeds complacency, and complacency breeds failure.”

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17.Don’t listen to the advice of people who are living lives you don’t want to live.

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18.“The internet is the new battleground of earth, the wild west, the place of truth and opportunity.”

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19.“There is no joy without pain.”

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20.Your only option to level up is to begin talking to winners.

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21.“The harder you work, the more important you become.”

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22.Your mindset is like a muscle; the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes.

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23.You need to understand that in this world, there’s a whole bunch of people doing amazing things that you are not doing. And that needs to piss you off.

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24.Think of all of the amazing things you could have accomplished by now if you weren’t brutally lazy. Imagine all of the time you wasted, every opportunity you let pass by, all the good advice you arrogantly ignored.

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25.“Reject weakness in any form.”

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26.An animal isn’t happy in the zoo. It survives and is comfortable, but misery haunts its soul. This is why most of you are unhappy. Do you understand?

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27.“You can become rich, you can become strong, you can take care of your loved ones and enjoy the fact it will be very difficult.”

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28.“Always win because I genuinely can’t take losing.”

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29.“I don’t need to be motivated because I’m disciplined. If I allocate X amount of time to do something, I’m going to do it.”

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30.“The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is the willingness to do what others won’t.”

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Suggested reading: Wednesday Inspirational Quotes

Andrew Tate Inspirational Quotes About Masculinity

1.“The man who goes to the gym every single day regardless of how he feels will always beat the man who goes to the gym when he feels like going to the gym.”

Andrew Tate Inspirational Quotes About Masculinity 1

2.“The masculine perspective is you have to understand that life is war. It’s a war for the female you want. It’s a war for the car you want. It’s a war for the money you want. It’s a war for status. Masculine life is war.”

Andrew Tate Inspirational Quotes About Masculinity 2

3.“Intellect is nothing without energy. Ideas are nothing without energy. High-energy people win”

Andrew Tate Inspirational Quotes About Masculinity 3

4.The hallmark of a real man is controlling himself, controlling his emotions, and acting appropriately regardless of how he feels.

5.”Men are not designed to be comfortable; they want to achieve, to feel pain and suffering, to conquer something.”

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6.”If you’re my friend, you just can’t be a pussy. ‘Well, I had a heart attack’ Get the fuck up. Fuck’s wrong with you? Go to the hospital later. Have a drink, cigarette, cup of coffee, back in the game. Fucking having heart attacks near
me, you little pussy.”

Andrew Tate Inspirational Quotes About Masculinity 6

7.Adversity builds men. It is your duty to challenge yourself and craft your own world.”

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8.”Show me a man with one friend, and I’ll see a man who’s honest.”

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9.“No exceptional person ever lived like an average person.”

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10.The systems that are designed to keep you a slave are strong.

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11.“The only thing holding you back from achieving your goals is your own mindset.”

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12.They don’t give you the news for free because they want you to be informed. They give you the news because they want you to watch it so they can tell you what to think.

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13.‘Men should be extremely complicated, a result of the perplexity of empire-building and constant war. A man who doesn’t live this reality isn’t a man.’

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14.“One of the best things about being a man is being territorial and being able to say ‘that is mine.’”

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15.”If you could choose to build yourself from the ground up, like from a video game—just tick characteristic boxes and build yourself—nobody would choose to be a liberal soy boy. Nobody would choose to be a small, weak guy who has to cry when he gets upset.”

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16.You are viewing yourself as a short man! Walk up and be THE man!

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17.“Success is not about luck; it’s about having the right mindset.”

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18.“Men who live without self-control are the kind of men who cry when their girlfriend cheats on them, ‘cause she certainly does, because she doesn’t respect a little crybaby, and she’s only with you because she’s ugly as fuck and she has to settle for a little soy boy pussy like you.”

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Suggested reading: Quotes For Homeless Person

Andrew Tate’s Inspirational Quotes About Discipline

1.“Absolutely every single one of my actions is intentional. Divine purpose. If your day is full of mindless action, you act without thought.”

Andrew Tate_s Inspirational Quotes About Discipline 1

2.“High standards protect you from low-quality experiences.”

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3.”Today, you can act as an amateur, or you can be a professional. Decide what you will do right now.”

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4.Emotional control isn’t a lack of emotion; it’s a necessary function of maturity.

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5.Depression is not real. Feeling depressed is real. So, you can feel depressed, but you feel depressed, and that is a natural, biological, evolutionary trigger for you to change something in your life. That’s your own mind telling you
‘you’re unhappy about X.’ If I went to jail today, I’d be depressed because I’m in jail. I haven’t caught depression. I don’t have a disease; I’m just upset with my situation.

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6.I don’t believe in motivation. I believe in discipline! I am a disciplined person!

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7.People who train every day do not want to train every day. They are not motivated to train every day. They have something else: they are disciplined.

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8.You don’t get to go through life only doing the things that you feel like doing.

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9.The Matrix is everywhere: fact-check studies that everybody believes, the news you watch, the way you’ve been taught to think, and educational systems.

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10.Discipline is not a punishment. It’s a practice of self-control and self-mastery.

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Andrew Tate’s Inspirational Quotes About Women

1.The minute you choose a woman over your goals is the minute you lose them both.

Andrew Tate_s Inspirational Quotes About Women 1

2.Freedom will only come when you no longer trade your time for money.

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3.Women are not meant to lead; they are meant to follow.

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4.Women should focus on nurturing their femininity rather than trying to be like men.

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5.Women should prioritize their role as wives and mothers over pursuing careers.

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6.Women are attracted to strength and power.

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7.A woman’s true power lies in her ability to inspire and support her man.

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8.“Females are the ultimate status symbol. People think I’m running around with these hoes because I like sex. That’s nothing to do with the reason why I’m running around with these bitches. I got these bitches just so everyone knows who the don is.”

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9.”I knew it was police… I’ve lived a varied life, right? I’ve done some things when I had to pay the bills… I flushed my phone down the toilet… So, I’m tryin’ to hide sh*t.”

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10.“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance with sobriety.”

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11.”How can I use these women to make me money? I don’t wanna put them on the track because they’re my women; I don’t want other people touching my chicks.”

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12.“You can’t be responsible for something that doesn’t listen to you. You can’t be responsible for a dog if it doesn’t obey you, or a child if it doesn’t obey you, or a woman that doesn’t obey you.”

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13.”I had one girl, and she got too drunk one day, and she threw up in my apartment; I told her to clean up, but she refused… So, I took her stuff and threw it out the window.”

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14.”If you’re a man living in England or Germany or America or any of the Western world right now, you’ve decided to live in a country where any woman… at any point in the future can destroy your life.”

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15.“I go out and f%ck, and I come back to her, and I don’t care about her, and I only love my girl. That’s not cheating; that’s exercise. Cut this sexist garbage.”

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16.“I was getting on a plane, and I could see through the cockpit that a female was the pilot, and I took a picture, and I said, ‘most women I know can’t even park a car; why is a woman flying my plane?’ and they banned me.”

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17.”Read the Bible. Every single man had multiple wives. Not a single woman had multiple husbands. It’s against the will of God — it’s disgusting.”

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18.“At the height of my webcam pimpin’ I think I am the king of the world […] the problem is the first two girls worked for me because they loved me, […] but once you get bigger you start hiring girls who don’t love you. They are in it for the money.”

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19.“So, I text all my girlfriends, I think it’s five of ’em, so I text all five and said ‘you’re all coming here to live with me and work with me.”

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20.“They’re like, ‘you’re under arrest for a suspicion of assault of this dumb h*e.”

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21.“I think the women belong to the man.”

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22.“I may be sexist, but I’m a realist! 18-19-year-old women are more attractive than 25-year-olds because they’ve been through less dick.”

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23.“If all the other girls see me be disrespected, they’re gonna lose respect for me.”

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24.“Everyone, when they get that application form from God… would tick tall, strong, smart, mentally tough, doesn’t cry, gets p*ssy, rich, they’d tick all the things they tell me I’m bad… All the assets I have.”

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25.“They’re like, ‘you’re under arrest for a suspicion of assault of this dumb sexist hoe.’”

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26.”I’m not an f rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being free.”

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27.“If we talk about tradition—traditionally—every single man in history had multiple wives, and there was not a single woman who was celebrated for having multiple husbands. Female promiscuity has always been disgusting and frowned upon.”

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Who Is Andrew Tate?

Andrew Tate, a former kickboxer and influencer, gained recognition when he participated in the reality show Big Brother. 

Born on December 1, 1986, in Washington, D.C., he spent his early years in Chicago and Indiana before relocating to England. 

Tate started his kickboxing journey in 2005 and rose to fame as a contestant on Channel 5’s Big Brother. 

Since then, he has become an influential figure known for his provocative remarks. In September 2017, Tate sparked controversy by stating that depression is not a genuine illness.

In light of the accusations against Harvey Weinstein, Tate made controversial comments suggesting that women should take “some responsibility” for instances of rape. 

Consequently, he faced multiple suspensions from X (previously known as Twitter). Moreover, in January 2022, it was revealed that an account he had created on the platform was mistakenly verified. 

Subsequently, as of November 2023, Tate has been banned from various social media platforms, including YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. Notwithstanding these setbacks, Tate manages his exclusive online network for men, “The War Room.”

In September 2023, the BBC investigated Tate and his network, revealing that Miles Sonkin, Tate’s close associate, had reportedly exploited the website to manipulate young women into entering the sex industry. 

Apart from his affiliation with this network, Tate is involved in various other business ventures, such as Hustler University and a series of casinos that he co-owns with his brother Tristan. 

On June 20, 2023, Tate was formally charged with offenses related to human trafficking, rape, and leading an organized criminal group involved in sexual exploitation. Additionally, Tristan and two Romanian female suspects were also charged in connection with these crimes.


Andrew Tate’s inspirational quotes are a source of motivation and empowerment for individuals seeking to improve their lives. 

Through his words, Tate encourages people to embrace challenges, push beyond their limits, and strive for greatness. 

His quotes emphasize the importance of self-belief, determination, and perseverance in achieving success. 

As we reflect on his inspirational words, we are reminded that with the right mindset and a relentless pursuit of our goals, we can overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable feats.


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