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Inspiration Vs. Motivation: Are There Really Any Differences?

An inspiration Vs. motivation comparison must be weird to some people. Why? Because many people use both words interchangeably, thinking they are the same. The truth is, both aren’t the same. They are not even synonyms in the first place.

Inspiration and motivation have similarities and differences, which we will discuss shortly. Both terms also have the power to transform a person’s life, especially when combined.

Understanding their differences can help you work harder to ensure you get the inspiration and motivation needed to achieve your goals.

So, in this post, we will discuss the relationship between inspiration and motivation and share other related information, including valuable tips that will benefit you. Read on!

Inspiration Vs. Motivation: The Definition

Before discussing the differences and similarities between inspiration and motivation, let’s define both terms.

What is inspiration? It implies something that compels someone to act, and it often connects with the person’s values or feelings. It occurs when you are stimulated mentally to act.

Inspiration is something that hinges on our imagination, experiences, and values. It comes from within an individual. It triggers a sense of desire in you to pursue something.

For instance, you may be inspired to climb Mount Everest when you see someone do it. You’ll even feel more inspired if the person is a close friend, relative, or colleague, someone you know.

It might not be Mount Everest, but something else. Seeing other people’s successes might inspire you to achieve your own. An individual’s success can inspire you to act positively.

Inspiration stirs up something within you to act. It shapes your mind and awakens your entire body to act. When inspired, you do whatever you need to do willingly and naturally to achieve your goals.

A Handy Tip: Having inspiration doesn’t mean you’ll act immediately or consistently. Even if you feel inspired to act, without motivation, you may abandon the project sooner or later.

For instance, you may feel inspired to write a song after listening to or creating a beat in your head. But the question is, can you take action if there’s not enough motivation?

What Is Motivation? Motivation kick-starts, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behavior. It is the driving force behind people’s actions. It can make you take action to achieve your goal, whether by changing your career path or switching off your phone or television.

A Handy Tip: While inspiration is a long-term process, motivation is short-term.

Different types of motivation exist. There is positive motivation based on the reward a person can achieve. For instance, employees may start working harder or improve productivity when offered incentives.

This type of motivation is known as “motivation by incentives.” Most parents promise to buy a brand-new car for their children if they obtain specific grades in school. This motivation can push the child to read harder and do everything possible to achieve that goal.

But after achieving the goal and getting the reward, the motivation to keep the momentum drops. Thus, if the child isn’t motivated the same way, they may not attain similar performance in the next academic session.

Motivation is a driving force capable of pushing us to take action. It is that thing that clicks in our heads and charges us to act, even if it means depriving ourselves of comfort or happiness.

It is possible to motivate others or learn motivation from them. You can get motivation from people’s performances. For instance, if a team or department in your company achieved certain goals, it could motivate you to achieve yours.

Inspiration Vs. Motivation: Which Is More Important?

Inspiration and motivation are two important factors that can push us to achieve important goals in life. They can change our lives and help us attain greater heights in our professional and personal lives.

So, which is important, inspiration or motivation? Motivation is preferable for obvious reasons, and here is why.

The fact that you have inspiration from reading a book doesn’t mean you’re going to take proper action. The force within might not necessarily be enough to push you to take action.

In fact, the more you consume inspirational content, the more similar content you start looking for. That doesn’t mean you will act.

Motivation is short-term. But it boasts productive action, making it preferable to inspiration. However, the fact that motivation can push you to act doesn’t mean it comes easily. You have to find what motivates you.

Just find what motivates you and use it to your advantage. Is it financial inducement, listening to music, or creating something? If you can find it, you can draw up the motivation you need to achieve your goals.

Inspiration And Motivation: 6 Must-Know Differences     

Here are some of the differences between inspiration and motivation.

Inspiration Motivation
1. Inspiration is long-term Motivation is short-term
2. Inspiration is uncontrollable. You don’t see it coming. Motivation is more direct and predictable.
3. Inspiration represents a pulling force. Motivation represents a pushing force. It compels an individual to complete a specified action. It could be self-imposed, peer pressure, or societal pressure pushing us to do something.
4. It comes from internal sources. Motivation is from external sources, such as financial incentives.
5. Inspiration comes to you naturally and makes you feel happy. Motivation is harder. You need to work hard to achieve your goals, even though it’s for a little while.
6. There is no assurance that the inspiration will lead to production action. There is certainty that the motivation will lead to production action

Inspiration Vs. Motivation: The Relationship Between Both

Most people use inspiration and motivation interchangeably, assuming they are the same thing. Well, the truth is, this is a relationship or similarities between both terms.

Understanding the relationship between inspiration and motivation will enable you to understand both terms better. Check them out below.

  • Inspiration and motivation boast the capacity to transform a person’s life.
  • Both terms can push an individual to take action to a certain degree.
  • Both represent a force; inspiration is a pulling force, while motivation is a pushing force. Both try to compel us to act in certain ways.
  • Both activate our creative-thinking skills. They trigger us to think in detail and creatively, too.
  • Both terms can transform our lives to a certain degree.
  • Inspiration and motivation are important for self-development and growth in life. Both can help you condition your mind to achieve the impossible and find your purpose in life.

Reasons You Should Combine Inspiration And Motivation 

Most people will prefer to be motivated than being inspired. Motivation can lead to the production of action. For instance, the fear of failure could motivate you to study harder to pass your examination with flying colors this term. But it is only for a while.

Most people may not feel the same motivation to continue studying the same way they did to sustain the same academic performance.

While motivation is short-term, inspiration is long-term. Combining both terms will benefit you massively. Check out the benefits.

  • The process you went through to achieve your goals will humble you. The things you learned from the process will help you understand how to be empathetic, sympathetic, and compassionate to others while watching them work towards achieving their own goals.
  • You will be more realistic with your goal-setting
  • Your creativity increases.
  • You can attempt new tasks with new confidence and without fear.
  • Your interests increase massively.
  • You become a person others can emulate. You become a good example to others looking to succeed in their endeavors, regardless of their profession or goals. You can encourage anyone and use yourself as an example of how to fix inspiration and motivation issues.


This inspiration vs. motivation comparison shows the differences and similarities between both terms. Motivation and inspiration aren’t the same terms. They are also not synonyms either.

While inspiration is internal and comes as a pulling force, motivation can be external or internal. Motivation can come as a pushing force. It can compel you to achieve specific goals.

Again, inspiration is long-term, while motivation is short-term. But the similarity is that both terms can take you to greater heights in your professional career and life.

It is beneficial to combine inspiration and motivation. The impact is massive when this is done. In addition, the things you’ll learn along the line will shape you as a person. You’ll become more compassionate while encouraging others to achieve their goals.


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Bronnie Ware
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