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110+ Inspirational Quotes From Scrubs: Laugh, Cry, and Be Inspired

When it comes to finding inspiration, one unlikely source that often surprises people is the television show Scrubs. 

This medical comedy-drama series, which aired from 2001 to 2010, not only entertained audiences with its clever humor and endearing characters, but it also had a knack for delivering poignant and thought-provoking moments. 

From Dr. Perry Cox’s witty wisdom to J.D.’s heartfelt musings, Scrubs offers a treasure trove of inspirational quotes that can resonate with viewers on a deep level. 

Whether you’re a fan of the show or simply seeking some uplifting words, these inspirational quotes from Scrubs will surely leave a lasting impression.

How Scrubs Quotes Can Inspire And Motivate In Everyday Life

Scrubs, the popular medical comedy-drama television series, may seem like an unlikely source of inspiration and motivation for everyday life. 

However, the show is filled with memorable quotes that can profoundly impact how we approach our daily challenges. 

These quotes touch on themes such as friendship, love, perseverance, and the importance of embracing our flaws. 

By incorporating these quotes into our lives, we can find guidance and encouragement to navigate through the ups and downs of life.

Quotes By Dr. Kelso

  1. “Yeah, anytime I talk to Carla about a guy, she tells me to marry him so the four of us can go to dinner together.”

2. “Why does this Gomer have to try and die every day during my lunch?”

3. “Next time, if you’re not here in 30 minutes, I expect a free dead body or some garlic knots.”

4. “Oh dear God, you’ll scream so loud that Satan will want to tear up that contract he made with you at birth just so he can get some sleep.”

5. “Death doesn’t really bother me unless it’s someone I know. And even then, if it happens in a funny way, like my cousin who, honest to God, was flattened by a steamroller.”

6. “Yeah, I’m not that great with kids. They’ve got such tiny hands. It’s creepy.”

7. “I’m tired of patients complaining about being called dummos, tubbos, and jamokers. Whatever the hell jamokers means.”

8. “How is it that no man understands that every woman, whether she’s sixteen or sixty, still has that awkward, insecure, self-conscious teenage girl inside of her?”

9. “You know, Dr. Cox, you think that you have seen it all and done it all, but guess what? You haven’t done me… That didn’t come out right.”

10. “Ah, back when I was a resident, I remember…blah, blah, blah, nostalgic story. Now get the hell out of my office!”

Quotes By John Dorian

  1. “While I’m sitting at home, staring at the ceiling, just wishing that I had someone to talk to, is knowing that none of you idiots realize how lucky you are!” – John Dorian.

2. “Nothing is more important than making time for an old friend.” – John Dorian.

3. “Sometimes in life when you get what you want, you end up missing what you left behind.” – John Dorian.

4. “Even if it breaks your heart to be ‘just friends,’ if you really care about someone, you’ll take the hit.” – John Dorian.

5. “Maybe our parents did a better job than we give them credit for.” – John Dorian.

6. “The truth is, you should consider yourself lucky if you even occasionally get to make someone-anyone-feel a little better.” – John Dorian.

7. “It’s hard to face a harsh truth about yourself. The only thing you can do is try to take positive steps.” – John Dorian.

8. “I think one of the most universal human experiences is feeling alone. You’d never know it, but there’s most likely tons of people feeling the exact same way.” – John Dorian.

9. “It’s about the day I realized that admitting we’re not heroic is when we’re the most heroic of all.” – John Dorian.

10. “I’ll always dial the K for you.” – John Dorian.

11. “Whether it’s the support of someone close to you, or letting yourself feel overwhelmed – if only for a moment.” – John Dorian.

12. “The truth is, it’s all of your memories, the joyful ones and the heartbreaking ones, that makeup who you are as a person.” – John Dorian.

13. “Don’t ever be afraid to come to me about this kinda stuff, newbie.” – John Dorian.

14. “I talk to myself, I talk to my cats, and also I talk to three separate shrinks about the fact that often my cats respond to me in my mother’s voice.” – John Dorian.

15. “In the end, you have to trust that the perfect woman will always lead you in the right direction.” – John Dorian.

16. “I guess it’s because we all want to believe that what we do is very important, that people hang on to our very word, that they care what we think. The truth is, you should consider yourself lucky if you even occasionally get to make someone-anyone-feel a little better.” – John Dorian.

17. “Mr. Steel, first name, Man of.” — J.D.

18. “I grew up on the street. Sesame Street.” — J.D.

19. “I love you more than anything in the whole world. Elliot, I love you more than Turk.” — J.D.

20. “Brace yourself, I’m coming in. You smell like a father figure.” — J.D.

21. “It’s not a unicorn; it’s a horse with a sword on its head that protects my hopes and dreams.” — J.D.

22. “The point is, Elliot. You’re a lot stronger than you used to be. I’ve changed, too… I have a beard now.” — J.D.

23. “You see, surgical and medical interns are kinda like two rival gangs. Not real gangs, more like those cheesy gangs you see in Broadway musicals.” — J.D.

24. “The truth is, you should consider yourself lucky if you even occasionally get to make someone-anyone-feel a little better.” — J.D.

25. “Actually, it’s not a helmet. It’s a hair-met. It has extra room so you don’t mess up your hairdo.” – John Dorian.

26. “Elliot, I’m thirty years old; I’m single, I’m homeless, and I’m pretty sure I just soiled myself.” – John Dorian.

Quotes By Dr. Cox

  1. “Statistics mean nothing to the individual. Not a damn thing.” – Perry Cox.

2. “Relationships don’t work the way they do on television and in the movies. Will they, won’t they, and then they finally do, and they’re happy forever.” – Dr. Cox.

3. “The simple fact that you seem to even care is why I took an interest in you, to begin with. It’s why I trust you as a doctor.” – Dr. Cox.

4. “I’m getting two out of three from the conversation.” – Dr. Cox.

5. “Oh dear God, you’ll scream so loud that Satan will want to tear up that contract he made with you at birth just so he can get some sleep.” – Dr. Cox.

6. “Why does this Gomer have to try and die every day during my lunch?” – Dr. Cox.

7. “You’d better go ahead and enjoy this while you can, Bob, because if your evil genie goes ahead and grants your wish and I’m gone forever then the only one your going to be able to contend with around here is yourself.” – Dr. Cox.

8. “This moment is so great I’d cheat on that other moment from before, marry this one, and raise a family of little moments!” – Dr. Cox.

9. “Oh, you know… you marry someone who reminds you of your mother, and then you remember you hate your mother.” – Dr. Cox.

10. “Now, you’ve got to wake up, sweetheart, you’re gonna be late for school- Aw, you wet the bed! Why can’t I have a normal child without these problems?!” – Dr. Cox.

11.”Jordan, you can take over the master bathroom. Just make sure you leave my sleeping pills out. So that I could, you know, swallow about 300 of them.” – Dr. Cox.

12. “I don’t want to hear anything out of that man’s mouth other than, oh no, I’m dying; there’s a bright light.” – Dr. Cox.

13. “You know, the only way you could be more useless right now is if you actually were the wall.” – Dr. Cox.

14. “Don’t ever be afraid to come to me about this kinda stuff, newbie.” – Dr. Cox.

15. “My first patient today was a snot-nosed person who wouldn’t let me examine him unless I said pretty please first.” – Dr. Cox.

16. “You’ve been wrong so many times that I’m not even going to say something is wrong anymore.” – Dr. Cox.

17. “Newsflash, you can’t drink and then come to work. You’re not airline pilots.” – Dr. Cox.

18. “Death doesn’t really bother me unless it’s someone I know. And even then, if it happens in a funny way, like my cousin who, honest to God, was flattened by a steamroller.” – Perry Cox.

19. “I’m gonna write you a couple of prescriptions. You’ll find this first one is for an oversized mallet so you can pound some sense into yourself.” – Dr. Cox.

20. “Oh my God! I’m gagging and vomiting at the same time. I’m gavomiting!” – Perry Cox.

21. “I’ll tell you there, Bobbo, either this kid has a light bulb up his butt, or his colon has a great idea.” — Dr. Cox.

22. “The simple fact that you seem to even care is why I took an interest in you, to begin with. It’s why I trust you as a doctor.” — Dr. Cox.

23. “You’ve been wrong so many times that I’m not even going to say something is wrong anymore. I’m going to say that it’s ‘Dorian.’” — Dr. Cox

24. “Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present: Man not Caring.” — Dr. Cox

25. “And now, a boring announcement from a pointless tradition, brought to you by an aging figurehead with a failing liver and an over-active libido.” — Dr. Cox

26. “Newbie, do you want me to give my ‘things I don’t care about’ speech again? Because I’ve updated it to include all white guys who add -izzle to anything.” — Dr. Cox

Quotes By Elliot

  1. “You know, Dr. Cox, you think that you have seen it all and done it all, but guess what? You haven’t done me… That didn’t come out right.” — Elliot.

2. “How is it that no man understands that every woman, whether she’s sixteen or sixty, still has that awkward, insecure, self-conscious teenage girl inside of her?” — Elliot

3. “I talk to myself, I talk to my cats, and also I talk to three separate shrinks about the fact that often my cats respond to me in my mother’s voice.” – Elliot.

4. “Yeah, I’m not that great with kids. They’ve got such tiny hands. It’s creepy.” – Elliot.

5. “Yeah, anytime I talk to Carla about a guy, she tells me to marry him so the four of us can go to dinner together.” – Elliot.

6. “Yeah, I’m not that great with kids. They’ve got such tiny hands. It’s creepy.” — Elliot.

Quotes By Janitor

  1. “Okay, look, attention roof-poopers! Setting aside, for a moment, the fact that I’m going to make sure that you all live to regret this day.” – Janitor.

2. “I never really believed that you would or could love me. But just pretending for today made me feel good for a change.” – Janitor.

3. “Let’s not tell anyone else that there’s a toilet on the roof…” – Janitor.

4. “I don’t jump out and scare you. I follow you around all day. I only got about an hour and a half of work around here, and the rest of the time, I track you like an animal.” – Janitor.

5. “I never really believed that you would or could love me. But just pretending for today made me feel good for a change.” — Janitor.

6. “What is it with steel wool? Is it steel? Is it wool?” – Janitor.

7. “I don’t believe in the moon. I think it’s just the back of the sun.” – Janitor.

Other Quotes From Scrubs

  1. ” I already know what I’m going to call my surgical practice. Cole Cutz. Turk: With a z? Cole: That’s right!” – Cole

2. “Why is there silverware in the pancake drawer?” – Carla Espinosa.

3. “I think you won’t face Ben because you’re afraid. Dr. Cox: I think you’re right. I do. Partly because you’ve really gotten to know me this year, but mostly it’s because, well…I told you that I was afraid earlier today.” – John Dorian.

4. “You think you have the answers to everything, but instead, you end up throwing gas on the fire, and everyone else has to pay the consequences.” – Carla Espinosa.

5. “Danni Sullivan: Do you even enjoy hanging out with me? John Dorian: Enjoy is a strong word.” – ‘Scrubs’.

6. “Lucy: Why are you eating your lunch in here? Denise: Why are you yelling at a dead guy? See, we all have a lot of questions.” – ‘Scrubs’.

7. “Speaking of crunching, I have been jonesing for some Double-Stuff Oreos all day. Why don’t you see if you can get me some?” – Dr. Kelso.

8. “Carla: Just tell me when a minute’s up. Turk: I just put some pizza rolls on the microwave oven; the minute that rings, we’re good to go.” – ‘Scrubs’.

9. “John Dorian: Why do you keep a globe on your janitor cart? Janitor: In case I get lost.” – ‘Scrubs’.

10. “This is not bring your problems to work Day, this is just work day.” – Dr. Kelso.

11.”Karla: Elliot, you know how they say no one will ever love you until you learn to love yourself? Elliot: Karla, my mother used to say no one will ever love you.” – ‘Scrubs’.

12. “This is the reason your headache didn’t go away. Sir, the pills go in your mouth.” – Turk.

13. “Next time, if you’re not here in 30 minutes, I expect a free dead body or some garlic knots.” – Dr. Kelso.

14. “Dr. Cox: Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present, man not caring. That’s me!” – Bill Lawrence.

15. “Oh, that’s a great anecdote. You should write that down in your journal, then your kids can read about it when you’re dead.” – Dr. Kelso.

16. “Dr. Dorian, I owe you an apology; obviously, I was unclear when I said, stay in the MRI room with that patient. It must have sounded like, leave and do other things.” – Dr. Kelso.

17. “I always thought a surgeon would hook me with some sweet calf implants or a robot arm, but I never thought one would save my life.” – Cole.

18. “He doesn’t know that I cry sometimes because… I’m not sure there’s a cat heaven.” – Carla Espinosa.

19. “You don’t want to be a surgeon, Cole, it’s boring and it sucks. It’s the complete opposite of a water slide.” – Turk.

20. “Ah, back when I was a resident, I remember…blah, blah, blah, nostalgic story. Now get the hell out of my office!” – Dr. Kelso.

21. “Come on, we talked about thinking before we speak.” – Carla Espinosa.

22. “Maybe there, amid all the crap they dumped on us, are some things worth keeping.” – John Dorian.

23. “John Dorian: But call-Turk is eight numbers. Turk: I know, actually it’s just call-tur, but I’m hoping people will dial the K anyway.” – ‘Scrubs’.

24. “John Dorian: Well, I still want to refer you to a dermatologist, but it looks benign. Janitor: Yeah, benign, nine and a half…” – ‘Scrubs.’

25. “John Dorian: You’re an actor! Janitor: You’re a fireman! What are we doing?” – ‘Scrubs’.

26. “I’m tired of patients complaining about being called dummos, tubbos and jamokers. Whatever the hell jamokers means.” – Dr. Kelso.

27. “Carla: Tell me my husband loves me more than he loves you. John Dorian: It’s about the same. Carla: I’ll take it.” – ‘Scrubs’.

28. “Janitor: Did you stick a penny in there? John Dorian: No, I was just trying to make conversation. Janitor: If I find a penny in there… I’m taking you down.” – ‘Scrubs’.

29. “Dr. Kelso: Do you think I got to be chief of medicine by being late? Dr. Cox: No. You got there by back-stabbing” – ‘Scrubs.’

30. “Elliot: Carla, if your wedding ceremony’s gonna be in Spanish, how will I know that you’re officially married? Carla: Cause all my cousins will throw tortillas in the air and fire their guns.” – ‘Scrubs’.

31. “I guess it’s because we all want to believe that what we do is very important, that people hang on to our very word, that they care what we think. The truth is, you should consider yourself lucky if you even occasionally get to make someone-anyone-feel a little better.”― J.D Scrubs

32. “I’ve got a hot Italian sausage for you, right here!” — The Todd

33. “It’s a hip-hop world. Keep up or get out of the way.” — Bob Kelso

34. “Who has two thumbs and doesn’t give a crap? Bob Kelso…I thought we’d met.” — Dr. Kelso

35. “I’m just saying, the only time you guys haven’t been together was our honeymoon.” — Carla

36. “I haven’t told her yet. I mean, I was going to, but her not knowing I understand Spanish is like having a secret power.” — Turk


37. “This is not ‘Bring Your Problems to Work Day,’ this is just ‘Work Day.’” — Bob Kelso

38. “He doesn’t know that I cry sometimes because… I’m not sure there’s a cat heaven.” — Carla


With its clever humor and endearing characters, the television show Scrubs offers a treasure trove of inspirational quotes. 

From Dr. Perry Cox’s witty wisdom to J.D.’s heartfelt musings, these quotes resonate on a deep level. 

Whether it’s the importance of friendship, the power of making someone feel better, or the realization that we are all flawed but still heroic, Scrubs reminds us of the value of laughter, compassion, and self-reflection. 

So, let these inspirational quotes from Scrubs uplift your spirits, motivate you, and give you a fresh perspective on life.


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