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Inspiring Vs Inspirational: How To Be Inspiring To Others

Both words “inspiring and inspirational” mean the same thing. The difference is their implication. You may have one particular thing or person that inspires you. It could be a relative, role model, friend, colleague, leader, book, or anything.

You can also get inspiration from quotes, words, or movies that are inspirational. Inspiration is a powerful ingredient that can push you to success. It can take you far in life. It is also contagious. If you’re inspiring, the people around you can easily catch the same fire.

In this post, we’ll discuss the difference between inspiring and inspirational, including other related information about the topic. Read on!

Inspiring Vs Inspirational: The Difference

Firstly, understand that both words mean the same thing. They are adjectives and relate to the word “inspire.”

Inspiring and inspirational are coined from the Latin word, “Inspiro,” a verb that has a similar meaning to the word “inspire.”

What does it mean to be “inspiring?”

When someone calls an object, subject, or person inspiring, it means they possess traits that stimulate or push others to act positively or achieve specific milestones.

For instance, a speech by a team leader, chief executive officer, or religious leader can be inspiring. The action of an individual or person can be inspiring. It can encourage people to work hard or be more focused on achieving their goals.

Being inspirational is the same thing. It provides spiritual, mental, or emotional upliftment, encouraging a person to be better and lead a better life. An example could be an inspirational book or movie. A person’s way of life or manner of teaching can also be inspirational.

A Handy Tip: You can use the word “inspiring” in a situation where an object, subject, or person has inspired an individual.

On the other hand, being inspirational is when a person, object, or subject can inspire, but there is uncertainty if the inspiration has had any effect.

Here’s a summary of the differences between inspiring and inspirational.

  • While inspiring means an object, thing, or person has inspired another individual, inspirational means an object, thing, or person can inspire. Inspiring means a person or thing gives motivation or an urge to do something. Inspirational means that a person or thing can inspire, but there’s no clarity if it has done so or not.
  • You can use the word “inspiring” as a verb or adjective, depending on the context of your sentence. But you can only use “inspirational” as an adjective in a sentence regardless of the context.
  • Inspiring looks at the effect a situation or action has generated, while inspirational considers the effects an action or situation can produce.

 A Table Comparing Inspiring vs. Inspirational 

We have defined both terms, now let’s compare them for better understanding.

Inspiring Inspirational
The Definition It means having the influence to inspire someone or giving people positive or creative feelings. It also means something or someone that makes you feel intensely interested or enthusiastic. It means having the capacity to provide creative or spiritual inspiration.
  • He was an inspiring athlete
  • Catherine was an inspiring example to her children.
  • The team’s inspirational leader.
  • He gave an inspirational speech on overcoming obstacles in life.
Motive When the word “inspiring” is used, it means the object or person can inspire and have executed it. The motive behind the word “inspirational” means an object or someone has the potential to inspire, but there is no guarantee that people would act on it. For instance, climbing Mount Everest is inspirational. Anyone who sees it would be inspired to do the same. In the end, they may or may not act.
Effect Inspiring means the object or individual has inspired. When a thing or individual is considered “inspiring,” it means they have had an effect. In other words, inspiration has led people to take action. An example is climbing Mount Everest because a friend, colleague, or relative did so. Inspirational means an object or individual can inspire. They have the potential, but there’s no guarantee that the inspiration has had any effect. It may or may not have imparted, depending on the receiver’s willingness to take action.
Part of Speech Verb and adjective. You can use inspiring as both. Adjective. You can only use inspirational as an adjective in a sentence.

Things That Makes An Individual Inspiring

You may not have noticed it or paid attention to your actions or traits. But the truth is, many people are hoping to be like you. How you speak, dress, approach life, and go about your business is inspiring people.

You can inspire people with your approach to things, creativity, courage, and drive. And you can learn how to inspire others.

Below, we discussed the qualities that individuals who inspire have.

  • They have self-confidence
  • They stand up for their values
  • Inspirational individuals believe in themselves.
  • Admit when they are wrong and take full responsibility for their actions
  • They don’t run away from challenges, no matter the situation they find themselves
  •  They don’t accept unjust behavior or mediocrity
  • Always ready to make a difference wherever they find themselves
  • Tackles difficult situations and challenges with compassion
  • Speak up for themselves and others when the need arises

Inspiring traits are often associated with self-esteem, awareness, and discipline. An individual can derive inspiration from another person that emulates the traits they want to possess.

When you encounter people who serve as inspiration to others, what do you see? When these sets of people get into leadership positions, they are more effective. People adore them because of their traits and ability to inspire others to take action.

Having an inspiring leader is vital in the workplace. Organizations need leaders who can challenge others to become more productive via words and actions (taking the lead and being a good example).

Inspiring leaders can uplift the morale of employees and move the company forward. However, it’s essential to find an inspiring leader with the right leadership skills.

How To Be Inspiring To The People Around You 

How do you inspire the people around you or those who come in contact with you? Here is a fundamental question we all need to ask ourselves.

Being able to inspire the people around you can have a positive effect on them and you, as well. If you have friends who aren’t reading or taking their work or studies seriously, it’s only a matter of time before you join them.

So, being inspiring can have a massive ripple effect. It will benefit you to have inspired colleagues, classmates, or associates around you.

Here are ways to be inspiring to others.

1: Be zealous:

Being zealous can serve as a powerful motivator to others. But it would have the most impact when you’re sincere. In other words, you’re not pretending.

Being zealous can be highly contagious if sincere. It will only be a matter of time before the people around you get infected with the same spirit you possess.

2: Compliment to inspire:

You don’t inspire people by talking down on them. Instead, you inspire via positive words. A little compliment can have a massive effect on someone.

Remember, people don’t become uninspired or unserious because they want to. Stress, anxiety, and negative comments by others towards them would have caused it.

So, offer words of encouragement. Compliment those around you often even if they aren’t doing the task correctly or showing the energy you expect from them. Compliment them for attempting before you offer corrections.

3: Have integrity:

When we say have integrity, it means you have to be consistent with your values, actions, and how you treat everyone around you.

You may not have noticed, but people are watching you. They are watching your actions and scoring you. If you’re consistent, they may aspire to be like you someday.

4: Challenge the people around you:

You can only achieve little or the same results when people accept every decision you make. This often happens in our political system.

If you have a president who wants everyone to accept their suggestions and subordinates who aren’t willing to challenge the president, things might not move forward the way people expect.

A healthy conflict is a great way to challenge people to brainstorm and make positive contributions. And as a good and inspiring leader, you have to challenge the people around you.


This inspiring vs. inspirational comparison shows the difference between both words. The word “inspiring” means a person, object, or subject can inspire and has done so.

In other words, people have already been inspired. The action has been performed. For instance, when someone you know climbs Mount Everest, it’s an inspiring act. The person’s action pushes you to climb the same mountain.

Inspirational refers to the capacity of an object, subject, or person to inspire others, but whether the inspiration has had any impact remains to be seen.


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Bronnie Ware
Bronnie Ware
Welcome, I am Bronnie Ware. Are you new to this blog or already part of the community? All the same, welcome to this community. Here, you’ll learn, be inspired, motivated, and commit more to life. You’ll have all the information and tools you need to achieve your goals in life. Once again, you’re welcome to this amazing community. I can’t wait to share my knowledge and inspire you to be a better you.

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