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100+ Interior Design Inspirational Quotes To Keep You Inspired

These interior design inspirational quotes will inspire and reactivate your creative mind. If you’re an interior designer and own a business, these quotes will make you appreciate what you do.

Being an interior designer means you have to be highly creative. You must choose décor and colors that blend perfectly and satisfy your clients’ tastes.  

So, if you have a business, use these inspirational quotes for interior designers to inspire your target audience to take action. Show them that you know your craft with mind-blowing quotes for interior design. 

100+ Best Interior Design Inspirational Quotes To Reactivate Your Creative Mind

We have listed over 100 power inspirational interior design quotes. Check them out below. 

1. “A room is not a room without natural light.” – Louis Kahn

1 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

2. “The door handle is the handshake of the building.” – Juhani Pallasmaa

2 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

3. “The details are not the details. They make the design.” – Charles Eames

3 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

4. “The home should be the treasure chest of living.” – Le Corbusier

4 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

5. “Have nothing in your house you don’t know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” – William Morris

5 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

6. “The best rooms have something to say about the people who live in them.” – David Hicks

6 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

7. “Be intentional with your space. Don’t be afraid to step on a limb and design your home the way you love it.” – Joanna Gaines

7 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

8. “A person’s home is their castle.”- Anonymous

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9. One should never be the oldest thing in one’s house. – Patsy Stone

9 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

10. “To create an interior, the designer must develop an overall concept and stick to it.” – Albert Hadley

10 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

11. “Be faithful to your own taste because nothing you really like is ever out of style.” – Billy Baldwin

11 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

12. “Interior decoration partly thrives on being social.” – Nicholas Haslam

11 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

13. “Creativity is nothing but a mindset free.” – Torrie T. Asai

13 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

14. “A designer has a duty to create timeless designs. To be timeless you have to think really far into the future, not next year or the next two.” – Anna Castelli Ferrieri

14 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

15. “Thinking about design is hard, but not thinking about it can be disastrous.” – Ralph Caplan

15 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

16. “There’s an art to occupying a house. The atmosphere should reflect your personality, character, emotions. Above all, it should make you happy. This process takes time.” – Axel Vervoordt

16 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

17. “Eclectic style is about mixing elements from different periods and styles to create something that is uniquely yours.” – Miles Redd

17 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

18. “Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.” – Bill Moyers

18 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

19. If you love something, it will work. That’s the only real rule. – Bunny Williams

19 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

20. “I like a house to look like it has been lived in, with things that are well-loved.” – Nina Campbell

20 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

21. “The alternative to good design is always bad design. There is no such thing as no design.” – ADAM JUDGE

21 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

22. “Good design is about creating a dialogue between the past and the present.” – Robert A.M. Stern

22 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

23. “There is no such thing as a boring project. There are only boring executions.” – Irene Etzkorn

23 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

24. “Classicism, tradition, and a sense of place are important to me, but I also like the unexpected, modern and witty.” – Bunny Williams

24 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

25. “Make it simple but significant.” – Don Draper

25 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

26. “The beauty of design is its ability to transform a space into something truly extraordinary.” – Kelly Wearstler

26 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

27. “If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.” – Ralf Speth

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28. “Traditional interior design is a timeless, elegant look that never goes out of style.” – Mary McDonald

28 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

29. “There never has been a house so bad that it couldn’t be made over into something worthwhile.” – Elsie De Wolfe 

29 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

30. “I believe your home tells a story about who you are and who you aspire to be.” – Nate Berkus

30 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

31. “I don’t do fashion. I am fashionable.” – Coco Chanel

31 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

32. “People ignore designs that ignore people.” – Frank Chimero 

32 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

33. “Color is a power which directly influences the soul.” – Wassily Kandinsky

33 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

34. “The most beautiful things are always simple.” – Martha Stewart

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35. “Texture is the surface quality of a material.” – Michael S. Smith

35 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

36. “The essence of interior design will always be about people and how they live. It is about the realities of what makes for an attractive, civilized, meaningful environment, not about fashion or what’s in or what’s out. This is not an easy job.” – Albert Hadley

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37. “Think like a photographer. Look at every vignette in your home like it’s being shot for a shelter magazine and style accordingly.” – Jonathan Adler

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38. “Design is a constant challenge to balance comfort with luxe, the practical with the desirable.” – Donna Karan

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39. “We don’t believe in moving to a new place and replicating the one you left behind. Where’s the fun in that?” – Andrew Fisher 

39 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

40. “One should never be the oldest thing in one’s house.” – Patsy Stone

40 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

41. “The use of texture in design is not just about how things feel, it’s about how they look too.” – Kelly Hoppen

41 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

42. “We shape our homes and then our homes shape us.” – Winston Churchill L

42 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

43. “Texture adds interest and depth to a room.” – Charlotte Moss

43 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

44. “It does not matter how much you spend on your home décor. Make sure it conveys your story in a unique way. First, make sure it has a story.” – Anonymous 

44 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

45. “A design isn’t finished until someone is using it.” – Brenda Laurel 

45 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

46. “Luxury is when it seems flawless, when you reach the right balance between all elements. Understated theatricality – that is what my luxury is all about.” – Jean-Louis Deniot

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47. “I’m going to make everything around me beautiful – that will be my life.” Elsie de Wolfe

47 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

48. “Interior design is a business of trust.” – Venus Williams

48 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

49. “Color is the place where our brain and the universe meet.” – Paul Klee

49 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

50. “Good design is like a refrigerator, when it works no one notices but when it doesn’t it sure stinks.” – Irene AU

50 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

51. “Texture is the most enduring and ubiquitous underpinning of form.” – Yukio Futagawa

51 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

52. “Minimalist designs are the toughest ones. Because you simply can’t decide which one to keep and which one to ignore.” – Anonymous 

52 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

53. “You create your own decoration. You choose your color, you choose your mood…If you are depressed, you put on some bright yellow, and suddenly you are happy.” – Phillipe Starck

53 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

54. “Texture is the weight and thickness of a fabric, and how it feels to the touch.” – Alexandra Stoddard

54 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

55. “Whitespace is like air: it is necessary for the design to breathe.” – Wojciech Zielinski

55 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

56. “Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul.” – Wassily Kandinsky

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57. “Styles come and go. Good design is a language, not a style.” – Massimo Vignelli

57 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

58. “Add life: people, plants, and pets are the souls of the home.” – Justina Blakeney

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59. Every room needs a slap in the face. – DRANSFIELD & ROSS

59 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

60. Every night I pray that clients with taste will get money, and clients with money will get a taste. – BILL GARDNER

60 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

61. “Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.” – Pablo Picasso

61 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

62. “Good taste is always in style.” – Anonymous

62 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

63. “By acquiring all your furniture from different eras and places and things that are expensive and inexpensive, it will make your end product have great spirit.” – Kelly Wearstler

63 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

64. “Interior design is a business of trust.” – Venus William

64 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

65. “Have no fear of perfection. You’ll never reach it.” – SALVADOR DALI

65 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

66. “The best way to predict the future is to design it.” – Buckminster Fuller

66 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

67. “Luxury must be comfortable otherwise, it is not luxury.” – Coco Chanel

67 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

68. “Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.” – PAUL RAND

68 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

69. “Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.” – JOE SPARANO

69 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

70. “The role of the designer is that of a good, thoughtful host anticipating the needs of his guests.” – Charles Eames

70 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

71. “Real comfort, visual and physical, is vital to every room.” – Mark Hampton

71 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

72. “Form follows function – that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

72 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

73. “Simple designs are complicated to draw. Complicated designs are simple to draw. What a strange “design” thing. – Anonymous 

73 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

74. Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it’s decoration. – JEFFREY ZELDMAN

74 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

75. “Design is a solution to a problem. Art is a question to a problem.” – John Maeda

75 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

76. “I always put in one controversial item. It makes people talk.” – DOROTHY DRAPER

76 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

77. “There is no design without discipline. There is no discipline without intelligence.” – MASSIMO VIGNELLI

77 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

78. “The most important thing? Perfect lighting at all times.” – Oscar de la Renta

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79. “Lighting is a good way to change the look of a space without spending much.” – Bobby Berk

79 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

80. “Interior design is an attitude, not a talent.” – Anonymous 

80 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

81. “The details are not the details. They make the design.” – Charles Eames

81 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

82. “Design should never say, “Look at me!” It should always say, “Look at this! – David Craib

82 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

83. “Style is to see beauty in modesty.” – Andreee Putman

83 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

84. “Design your home in a way that not just looks good, but makes you desperate to come back home early.” – Anonymous 

84 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

85. “Decorate your home. It gives the illusion that your life is more interesting than it really is.” – Charles M. Schulz

85 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

86. “Rawness and refinement are not opposite ends of a luxurious spectrum. They are two complementary features with which to populate a luxe environment.” – Kelly Weartsle

86 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

87. “Decoration of the home is the same as meditation on the soul.” – Anonymous 

87 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

88. “Be faithful to your own taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style.” – Billy Baldwin

88 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

89. “I deeply believe that beautiful decor can have a beneficial influence on our lives.” – Albert Hadley

89 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

90. “The best way to accomplish serious design…is to be totally and completely unqualified for the job. – Paula Scher

90 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

91. “The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.” – Marie Kondo

91 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

92. “There are two things that make a room timeless: a sense of history and a piece of the future.” – Charlotte Moss

92 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

93. “If you want a change in your lifestyle, first change your home interior and then see.” – Anonymous 

93 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

94. “She well knew the great architectural secret of decorating her constructions, and never condescended to construct a decoration.” – Anthony Trollope

94 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

95. “Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.” – Robert L. Peters

95 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

96. “Serious is a word that should be entirely avoided when it comes to decorations.” – Kathryn Ireland

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97. “Nothing grows old faster than the new.” – Marcel Wanders

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98. “Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you the room suddenly became beautiful.” – Anonymous

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99. “My only professional ambition is to get a desk where no one can see my computer monitor other than me.” – Anonymous

99 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

100. “The only real freedom we have left is the home. Only there can we express anything we want.” – William Haines

100 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

101. “A room should start a conversation before people actually start exchanging words.” – Barry Dixon

101 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

102. “Style is a simple way of saying complicated things.” – Jean Cocteau

102 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

103. “The best interiors make your heart pound.” – Tony Fornabaio

103 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

104. “We shape our homes and then our homes shape us” – Winston Churchhill 

104 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

105. “Design is thinking made visual.” – Saul Bass

105 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

106. “When something feels off, it is.” – Abraham Hicks

106 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

107. “For a house to be successful, the objects in it must communicate with one another, respond and balance one another.” – Andrée Putman

107 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

108. “There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” – Milton Glaser

108 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

109. “The best way to accomplish serious design…is to be totally and completely unqualified for the job.” – Paula Scher

109 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

110. “What is quality? Quality design must have a sense of authenticity. My work is not cutting edge, it is not supposed to be, but sometimes, the middle of the road is the most dangerous place to walk.” – David Collins

110 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

111. “Every room needs a touch of black, just as it needs one antique piece.” – Jan Showers

111 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

112. “A house is much more than a mere shelter—it should lift us emotionally and spiritually.” – John Saldino

112 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

113. “Furniture is needed for practical reasons, and because it must be there, it may as well be as pleasant as possible to look at, and in a less definable psychological way, comforting to the spirit.” – Edward J Wormley

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114. “I’ve never seen elegance go out of style.” – Sonia Teclai

114 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

115. “Another word for minimalism is ‘elegance.’ Elegance is beautifully resolving an issue with minimal means.” – Tom Kundig

115 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

116. “Underneath all I design lies the solid belief that beauty is a positive force.”– Barbara Barry

116 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

117. “I like an interior that defies labeling. I don’t really want someone to walk into a room and know that I did it.” – Bunny Williams

117 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

118. “A room should never allow the eye to settle in one place. It should smile at you and create fantasy.” – Juan Montoya

119. “No pattern should be without some sort of meaning.” – William Morris

119 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes

120. “Good buildings come from good people and all problems are solved by good design.” – Stephen Gardiner

120 Interior Design Inspirational Quotes


These interior design inspirational quotes will change how you view interior designs. They’ll help you appreciate your interior design and strive to improve your current design if such is needed. 

If you have an interior design business, you can inspire your potential clients with these quotes. Who knows, they may soon contact you for a job. 

Sharing these inspirational interior design quotes on social media can set your business apart. By doing so, you’ll be able to convince potential customers that you’re the real deal.  


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Bronnie Ware
Welcome, I am Bronnie Ware. Are you new to this blog or already part of the community? All the same, welcome to this community. Here, you’ll learn, be inspired, motivated, and commit more to life. You’ll have all the information and tools you need to achieve your goals in life. Once again, you’re welcome to this amazing community. I can’t wait to share my knowledge and inspire you to be a better you.

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